Source code for ecgan.utils.label

"""Functions to label synthetic data."""
from logging import getLogger
from typing import List, Optional

from torch import Tensor, count_nonzero, ge, mean, tensor, var

from ecgan.utils.custom_types import LabelingStrategy

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def label_generated_data_pointwise(anomaly_scores: Tensor, tau: float) -> Tensor: """ Labeling of generated data depending on some tau. Args: anomaly_scores: Pointwise anomaly scores tau: Anomaly threshold. Returns: The labels of generated series/data points. """ return ge(anomaly_scores, tau)
[docs]def label_data_by_summation(anomaly_scores: Tensor, tau, channelwise: bool = True) -> Tensor: """ Calculate one label per channel (or series if channelwise=False). Utilizes the sum of pointwise anomaly scores and checks if the **average** anomaly score is below tau. Args: anomaly_scores: Pointwise anomaly scores. tau: (Pointwise) anomaly threshold. channelwise: Flag to indicate if the data should be labeled channelwise. Returns: One label for each series or channel, meaning anomaly_scores.shape[0] labels for serieswise scoring and respectively anomaly_score.shape[0] * anomaly_score.shape[2] labels for channelwise detection will be returned. """ if channelwise: return tensor([[mean(channel) > tau for channel in series] for series in anomaly_scores]) if len(anomaly_scores.size()) == 0: return (mean(anomaly_scores) > tau).clone().detach() # type: ignore return tensor([mean(series) > tau for series in anomaly_scores])
[docs]def label_data_by_variance(anomaly_scores: Tensor, tau: float, channelwise: bool = True) -> Tensor: """ Calculate one label per channel (or series if channelwise=False). Utilizes the variance of pointwise anomaly scores and checks if the anomaly score is below the given tau. Args: anomaly_scores: Pointwise anomaly scores. tau: (Pointwise) anomaly threshold. channelwise: Flag indicating if you want to return channelwise or serieswise anomaly scores. Returns: One label for each series or channel, meaning anomaly_scores.shape[0] labels for serieswise scoring and respectively anomaly_score.shape[0] * anomaly_score.shape[2] labels for channelwise detection will be returned. """ if channelwise: return tensor([[float(var(channel)) > tau for channel in series] for series in anomaly_scores]) return tensor([float(var(series)) > tau for series in anomaly_scores])
[docs]def label_absolute( anomaly_scores: Tensor, tau: float = 0.2, anomaly_lower_bound: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tensor: """ Label channels based on the absolute amount of pointwise anomalies. A channel is labeled as anomalous if more than `anomaly_lower_bound` samples are labeled during the pointwise detection. """ if anomaly_lower_bound is None: anomaly_lower_bound = int(anomaly_scores.shape[1] / 20) labels = label_generated_data_pointwise(anomaly_scores=anomaly_scores, tau=tau) labels_with_bound: List = [ [count_nonzero(channel).int() > anomaly_lower_bound for channel in series] for series in labels ] return tensor(labels_with_bound)
[docs]def label( anomaly_scores: Tensor, strategy: LabelingStrategy = LabelingStrategy.POINTWISE, tau: float = 0.2, ) -> Tensor: """ Label synthetic data based on the respective anomaly scores. Args: anomaly_scores: Series of pointwise anomaly scores. strategy: Labeling strategy: either pointwise, channelwise or serieswise. tau: Anomaly threshold. Returns: Labels for each data point, channel or series. User has to ensure the correct format. """ if strategy == LabelingStrategy.POINTWISE: return label_generated_data_pointwise(anomaly_scores=anomaly_scores, tau=tau) if strategy == LabelingStrategy.ACCUMULATE_CHANNELWISE: return label_data_by_summation(anomaly_scores=anomaly_scores, tau=tau) if strategy == LabelingStrategy.ACCUMULATE_SERIESWISE: return label_data_by_summation(anomaly_scores=anomaly_scores, tau=tau, channelwise=False) if strategy == LabelingStrategy.VARIANCE_CHANNELWISE: return label_data_by_variance(anomaly_scores=anomaly_scores, tau=tau) if strategy == LabelingStrategy.VARIANCE_SERIESWISE: return label_data_by_variance(anomaly_scores=anomaly_scores, tau=tau, channelwise=False) raise ValueError("Unknown LabelingStrategy: {}.".format(strategy))