
Setting up a bot using this framework is designed to be simple, especially if you have already worked with one of the supported chat platforms and NLP services. Please consult the Overview section if you need more information regarding the respective components of a chatbot.
emubot allows the deployment of a chatbot on various platforms. To get started, you have to modify your Configuration file to determine the messaging and NLP services you want to use. If you want to include a platform that is currently not supported by this framework, you can implement an adapter by yourself (see Support Your Chat Platform and Support Your NLP Platform respectively).
To use the framework you have to install npm, which is automatically shipped with Node.js. If you do not already have Node.js installed on your system, simply follow these steps to install it. After having installed Node.js, you can currently choose between three different exemplar setups with different (dis-)advantages to test the emubot framework. Each of these examples has a guide on how to setup the chatbot in its respective repository!
  1. Minimal example: Uses the emubot npm package. This is mainly to test setups for yourself and should not be used in production, because the user identification is not further disguised by default.

  2. Extensive example: Uses the emubot npm package. This repository includes more advanced functionality (see Interceptors) like databases and pseudonymization by default.

  3. Cloning the repository from GitHub and starting it. Recommended if you want to apply changes to the framework itself.