
Dialogflow (formerly known as api.ai) is an NLP service offered by Google. Dialogflow version 1 has used developer and client access tokens to authorize access. The support for this authorization method will soon be replaced completely and only the Dialogflow version 2 will be supported, where you have to authorize using tokens provided by the Google Cloud Projects. The following instructions will only cover the Dialogflow version 2 authentication, since version 1 will be deprecated soon (even though emubot still supports Dialogflow version 1).

Setting Up A Dialogflow Agent

To setup a chatbot you have to create an agent, i.e. an entity that includes the knowledge of your bot. Head over to the Dialogflow console, create an agent and fill it with some content (take a look at their docs). Go to the settings of your agent (the cogwheel symbol on the left) and follow the link to your service account. Select the correct service account, click the three dots on the right (below Actions) to create a new key (Create Key --> JSON). Download the JSON file and save it somewhere where it is accessible by the configuration file.

Exemplar Dialogflow Configuration

After downloading the authentication file you can setup your configuration. You can use an existing configuration file and simply alter the values. The structure is as follows:

export const platformNlpDialogflowV2 = {
    agents: {
        first_agent: {
            defaultLifespan: 2,
            executionIndex: 1,
            languageCode: 'de',
            minScore: 0.75,
            project_id: 'GCP-ID',
            token: 'path/to/authenticationfile.json',
            url: 'https://www.DIALOGFLOW-ENDPOINT-URL.com/',
    constructor: DialogflowV2Adapter,
    name: 'dialogflowV2',

The url is not required for dialogflow version 2 since we will use the dialogflow package. The language codes can be found in the Dialogflow docs. More information regarding the executionIndex and minScore can be found at Support Your NLP Platform.