.. _rasa: Rasa ============================ Rasa is an open source NLU provider that is distributed as an Python API, developed and provided by Rasa Technologies. Different from other closed source providers like Dialogflow, you will need to host your own server in order to use Rasa. This will pose several challenges and is not as easy to integrate into the framework as other agents, where you simply have to provide a valid configuration to the configuration file and are good to go. One major advantage of hosting your own server is that you do not have to share any of your data with another company. Here we will quickly introduce how you can setup :code:`emubot` using Rasa. Setting Up a Rasa Agent ----------------------- You can install the Rasa API as a `pip` package by using the following command: .. code-block:: bash pip3 install rasa-x --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple After you have installed the Rasa API you can follow `Rasa tutorial `_ to define your own Rasa bot. After you have done so you can use the provided Rasa commands to train your bot and start a test server: .. code-block:: bash rasa train rasa run --enable-api -m path/to/trained/model The example Rasa server will start on port 5000 by default. The framework uses the HTTP API provided with the server as a reference for its implementation. If you want to use your own server between the framework and Rasa, you should provide the following two routes for the requests from the framework: .. code-block:: bash POST /model/parse This route parses the provided text using your model. .. code-block:: javascript { message_id: string, sender: 'user', text: string, token: string } The response is expected to include the following fields: .. code-block:: javascript { entities: [ { value: string, entity: string, } ], intent: { confidence: number, name: string }, } Where entities and intent are conform with the Rasa parse results. You can also add the following fields in order to give additional information to your interceptors: .. code-block:: javascript { entities: [ { value: string, entity: string, } ], intent: { confidence: number, name: string }, action: string, contexts: [string] } .. code-block:: bash POST /webhooks/rest/webhook This route parses the provided text with your trained Rasa model. .. code-block:: javascript { message: string, message_id: string, token: string, } The result of the request is the answer of the Rasa agent: .. code-block:: javascript { "text": string } Note that :code:`emubot` will also add the token you provide in the configuration to the requests. You can use this token as an API token for your server. Of course you can include any number of other information in your responses, which you can then use to trigger events in the implementation of your :ref:`interceptors`. But you should make sure to pass the information to the :code:`emubot` framework. These requests have to conform to the definition in the `Rasa HTTP API `_. Head over to their docs for more information. .. _exemplar_rasa_config: Exemplar Rasa Configuration --------------------------- In this section you can see an example for a Rasa configuration to be used in the :code:`emubot` framework. .. code-block:: javascript export const platformNlpRasa = { agents: { first_agent: { defaultLifespan: 2, executionIndex: 1, languageCode: 'en', minScore: 0.75, token: env.NLP_TOKEN, url: 'https://my-cool-rasa-bot.com/', }, }, constructor: RasaAdapter, name: 'rasa', };